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"The club that

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History was made by others before us.  We are also making history every day by our own actions.

To contribute your own story here, please contact Emilio Trampuz, Emilio2000@earthlink.net.

Mt. High Club History


1. Introduction About Us How the Mountain High club came to be, through the merger of Plaza and EdgeSet clubs.

2. Mt. High Club History  Illustrated history of our club.

3. Mt. High Outstanding Club 2006  Club activities in 2006.

4. Mt. High Outstanding Club 2009  Club activities in 2009.

5. Mt. High Outstanding Club 2014  Club activities in 2013-2014.

6. Mt. Hood Highway Cleanup  We adopt 2 miles of Hwy. 26, in 2010.




NW Ski Club council History


1. NWSCC's 30th Anniversary The NW Ski Club Council celebrated its 30th anniversary with a big gala party, including Olympic Gold winner Phil Mahre as an honored guest. Sept. 2009.

2. Ski Oregon Challenge 2005/06
Skiing all of Oregon's ski areas in a single season. 3 skiers share their story.

3. Ski Washington Challenge 2006/07. Skiing all of Washington's ski areas in a single season.




1. Wolf spotted at Timberline (2001.) - Was it a wolf or a coyote? You be the judge. See the pictures. Notice the light-gray saddle-like patch on its back.


Mt. Hood & Oregon History


1. Mt. Hood History, Trivia & Memorial Bike Ride (Timberline - Rhododendron) Guided bike ride through the history of Mt. Hood, old highway, Barlow trail, Cascade lodge and more. Interesting trivia about Mt. Hood area. Bike tours since 2010.

2. History bike ride - Barlow Pass to Rhododendron. Pioneer Woman's grave, Pioneer cemetery at Summit Meadow, Old Mt. Hood Loop Highway. Laurel Hill, Kiwanis Camp Road, and more. Tour in 2016.

3. Oregon pioneers' history.  Barlow Pass to Rhododendron historical bike ride,  Three roads for 3 eras. Maps showing location of original Barlow Road.  12 videos showing snippets of Oregon's history and lore.

4. Mt. Hood Loop Highway

    WyEast Blog  - Articles about preserving the historic Mt. Hood Loop Highway around Mt. Hood, including re-enabling access to Laurel Hill for both recreational and historic reasons. Edited by Tom Kloster.



Mt. Hood Ski History


1. Historic Mt. Hood Ski Trails  Trails that used to be skied between Timberline and Government Camp before there were any lifts. And a recent revival of interest in them. Maps, info and more.

2. 1941 Forest Service map of Mt. Hood's south side.

3. Safety Boundary map - South side of Mt. Hood as of 2017.

4. Timberline side-country with pictures. Detailed description of Timberline to Government Camp trails, canyons, and the exact location of the old Timberline Cabin.

5. Mt. Hood Zig Zag canyon Upper part is skiable. Lower part is a trap where skiers get lost. how to ski it safely.

6. Mt. Hood climb & ski (2008), plus Volleyball on the summit (1976) Violet Anderson skis from the summit of Mt. Hood in 2008.  Chuck Westergren and others play volleyball on the summit in 1976.



1. Departed Champions (2006)
Richard Kohnstamm,
Bill Kirschner,
Otto Lang

2. Remembering 1984 (1984)
Nick Veroske and Emilio Trampuz share some recollections of 1984.


Ski Areas


1. Summer Camps on Mt. Hood
Summer training since 1956.

2. Ski 4 of 5 Mt. Hood ski areas in a single day (2006.) - This was done in 2006, thanks to a free day of skiing offered by 3 of the largest ski areas at season's end.

3. Mt. Hood aerial Tramway - Skiway to Timberline - 1956. Old newsreel, showing the bus converted into an aerial tramway called "Skiway". It travelled along a fixed pair of cables from Government Camp to Timberline in the early 1950s. See it on YouTube.

4. Timberline's 50th Anniversary (2005), Golden Rose (2005), and Hjalmar Hvam (1930s)  "Skiers live a long time" said Hjalmar Hvam, inspiring Henry Bendinelli to live well into his late 80s and beyond.

5. Timberline opens new trails and new lift in 2007  The new Jeff Flood express lift in the Still Creek basin almost doubled the available terrain at Timberline.



See more History by browsing all our Photo pages, one long page for each year.


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