5Our ski club members

"The club that

really skis"

PO Box 2182

Portland, OR 97208


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Ski Areas







NWSCC web site


FWSA web site


NSCF web site

Click on photo for a

short video about our club.

Mt. High Events

  Last updated:March 3, 2025



Glade Trail Day 2025 photos. Click here to see a folder on Dropbox full of pictures from the recent Glade Trail Day.  All the photos have now been uploaded to this folder.

Ignore the first 3 pictures presented to you as a "suggestion" by Dropbox. Scroll down to see the list of all photos, named sequentially. Click on the first picture to see it.  Then move to the next picture by using the right arrow on your keyboard or by swiping on your phone. To save (download) a photo, hit the button with the downward pointing  arrow pointing at a horizontal line.


NOTE: Dropbox will try to persuade you that you need to download  and install their app, or that you need to create a Dropbox account of your own. . No, you don't need to do that. You can simply download the photos you want, or downlaod  the whole folder if you wish.

February-March Lift Lines - Mt. High Newsletter

Skier's Guide page curlFar West Skier's Guide

Click on the image here to see this very colorful magazine. Learn all about past and upcoming Far West events, the annual Convention, winter trips, and more. See what other clubs and councils are doing.

Click on each 2-page spread to thumb through the rest of the pages.


The Councilman - Fall 2024.  Find out what the Far West Ski Association has been doing and will be doing in the near future, the Convention, the ski trips and more.

Volunteer of the Year.

OuSandra Kaufmanr 2024 volunteer of the year is: Sandra Kaufman. Congratulations!

Sandra has been a social spark-plug in our club for years. More recently, she has accepted the position\par of our club's Secretary as well as Membership director.
See our Awards page for a list of past men and women of the year and other awards.



Our club provides numerous activities in the following categories.   

a)  Day trips to Mt. Hood ski areas
     – currently on TRIPS page,

b)  Ski trips to other ski areas in the West
     -- see TRIPS page.

c)  Recreational racing – RACING pages.

d)  Social events, parties, etc. – on the HOME page.

e)  Summer activities (Biking, Hiking, Rafting, Picnic, etc.) – usually on our HOME page.

To see what our club does, please see a whole year of photos on the PHOTOS page.



Let's ski together!   Join us for an informal fun day on the slopes! Our weekend skiers tend to go to Timberline and/or Skibowl.  Our mid-week skiers usually go to Meadows on Thursdays or whenever there is some fresh powder. How to connect with us?

  1. See the weekend & mid-week entries on our TRIPS page.

  2. Click on our two FORUM buttons in the menu and see who is going skiing and when. Participate in the discussions!

  3. See our Facebook page, where all our members can post their own messages and often invite others to come ski with them. Start by clicking on the Facebook button in our main menu.

  4. On the mountain,

    if you have a 2-way radio, tune it to channel 6-19.

Mt. Hood Express bus service

We have always encouraged carpooling from Sandy, and that is still an option. But, now you can take the new Mt. Hood Express bus instead. For only $2 (or just $1.50 if you prepay for 20 tickets), you can ride the bus from Sandy to Skibowl, Government Camp, or Timberline. Catch the bus right on Hwy. 26, at a park and ride bus stop half way between Champion Way and 362nd (which is the Fred Meyer traffic light in Sandy). Turn into Champion Way to park at the Information Center.  The most convenient bus starts at 7:45 am and arrives at Skibowl at 8:32 and at Timberline at 9 am. Click here for the complete schedule.


Also note that Timberline runs its own shuttle between Government Camp from  the Summit Pass ski area to Timberline.


Powder Alliance.  Unlimited skiing at Timberline and Mt. Hood Skibowl + 3 free tickets at each of 17 other ski areas, for a total of 51 free ski days
Not valid on Saturdays.
Those 71 and over pay only $50.
All prices will increase after Nov. 5 and 26.. See more at: www.powderalliance.com  and on the Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/powderalliance


Season Passes compared.  Compare the cost and benefits of various lift ticket passes. This was first published in Lift Lines. It is now on our Articles page.


Mt. High Cookbook available.

A great gift.


Debbi Kor put together a Club Cookbook, full of recipes contributed by many of our club members. You can purchase the book at any of our social events and ski trips, or

Contact Debbi at: ijustwannarun1@comcast.net


Ski Areas page - new & improved

The best way to get info about ski areas. The updated page contains almost all the ski areas in the West, 224 of them. It's the easiest way to get info for a trip. Just click on whatever ski resort you want.

Also find info on heli-skiing. 

Also available on our Ski Areas page is an Excel Spreadsheet containing a list of all the ski areas in North America. Use it to track the places you have skied.



Join a PACRAT team 

 Teams are being formed in October and November, and many teams need a few new team-mates.


Camaraderie, fun, racing, après ski parties and more!


Check it all out on our Racing page and on the PACRATs web site.   Contact:  Racing@mthigh.org



Proof that Straight skis were always Shaped.

Straight skis were never really straight. See proof in this video.




Ski pole Inclinometers -

Attach this simple device to your ski pole and use it to measure the slope steepness.







Color code:  This color code is valid until you use the links. The viewed links will then change color, due to your browser's settings, but the dates will still remain the original color.

    Blue: Mountain High club events      
    Maroon: NWSCC, FWSA, or multi-club events
    Black: General events

MARCH 2025

March  1 (Sat)  Ski the Glade Trail Day

March 1 - 2       Ski & Ride for a Cure at SkiBowl

March 6 (Thu)  Mt. High Social at Famous Dave's

March 8 (Sat)  Ski ALS at Meadows

March 9 - 10     Oregon Cancer Ski Out at Meadows

March 12 - 16   Bachelor Blast trip

March 15 (Sat) History Happy Hour at the Mt. Hood Museum in Government Camp

March 19 (Wed) NWSCC Meeting IN PERSON
Social 6:45; Meeting starts 7:00 pm.
Location TBA!

March 23 - 28   Whitefish Mtn. trip

March 31 (Mon) Mt. High Board Meeting at the Round Table Pizza, Lake Oswego.

See more event details in the next section below.


Club membership has steadily increased from 2002 - 2011, and has stabilized around 220 since then.


Mt. High Board meetings 

Last Monday of the month, we meet at the Round Table Pizza, 16444 Boones Ferry Rd., Lake Grove, Lake Osswego, OR.  See Google map.  We plan future club events & trips.  If you'd like to get a bit more involved with the club, please come and join us. This is a working and planning  meeting, but it's open to all. Social gathering: 6:00 pm, and the meeting starts at: 6:30 pm.


NWSCC meetings


Representatives of local ski clubs gather to coordinate activities, plan joint events and trips. Sometimes, there's a guest speaker. These meetings are open to all.

Time: Socializing starts at 6 pm. Meeting starts at 6:30 pm..

Dates: Meetings are held quarterly on the 3rd Wednesday in October, December, March and June.

Location: At various locations around the Portland metro area. See the NWSCC web site for details.


Searching for the Perfect Ski Watch

Check out some of the features available on watches these days: Altimeter, Compass, Clinometer, Barometer, Stop-watch, and more. And water resistant to 200 meters. Sadly, not all in one watch. Read this article.


Vision for the 21st Century

A whole new vision of enhancing both safety and fun on the slopes. Read all about it (click on the "Vision" button. Get involved. Write to the ski areas. Write to ski magazines. Refer them to our website: www.mthigh.org/Vision.htm.


Mt Hood List - A great site!

Go to MtHoodList.com to post your own message, to find a carpool to Mt. Hood, to find buddies for a Meadows  event,  or any other Mt. Hood related activity.


Check out this content on our site!

   a) Blogs eg.: David Schor's adventures

   b) Videos (our recent trips and racing)

   c) Skis for sale on our Bulletin Board!


In the Forum, post your questions, requests, offers, or help provide answers.


Bulletin Board vs. Forum

For plain text announcements or questions, feel free to post your own message in the Forum.

For more elaborate, announcements, including graphics, photos, etc. please email them to us at webmaster@mthigh.org and we'll post it on the Bulletin Board.


We Want You!


Forest  Service Permits. Info about day use permits and season permits, and a list of parking spaces where you need them. These permits are needed usually from May 1 - October 31. Buy one if you will be hiking or biking there.

Fix your Zipper  at Johann's (Gary's)

If the zipper breaks on your ski jacket or sleeping bag, don't throw it away.  Let Gary fix it for you at Johann's Upholstery, 12205 SW Hall Blvd.,
Tigard OR 97223.   Phone:  503-620-1699.
Email: gary@johannsonline.com

ShredHood.org is a web site devoted to everything Mt. Hood. It contains the latest news, classifieds, racing, new school, old school, videos, slides, events, resources.
The web site was started by Ben Jacklet, a local journalist. Check it out: http://shredhood.org/

Membership renewal.  Please renew your club membership in the Fall (September, October, or early November). This is also the best time to sign up for a ski trip with the club. It is best to renew in person at the annual Ski Fair or at our annual Kickoff Party. If you do it by mail, simply print print the Dough Transmittal form and mail it in. You can find it on our Membership page and on the Forms & Docs page.

Member Benefits updated - 20% off at the Taco Shoppe  Thanks to Kevin Bastin, owner of the Taco Shoppe and a Mountain High club member, we have now been offered 20% off of any item on the menu (not just the burritos). But only 10% discount during the summer months.

The Taco Shoppe is located in Government Camp, across the street from the Huckleberry Inn (but a house or two up the road), or just downhill from the Mount Hood Museum. See details on our Membership Benefits page and on our Bulletin Board page.  Click here for see their full menu.

Video about our club

Short 5 minute summary of what our club is al about. Must see! At: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woXVvae4Iww


Note: Trips and Racing events have their own pages.

The events listed below are events other than ski trips and races.



Fine champagne

Fine desserts

Fine conversation



Click here for


to Debbi's place


Chocolate Party


February 15, 2025 (Saturday), starting at 7:00 pm.

At the home of Debbi Kor

                     8513 NE 149th Avenue
                    Vancouver WA 98662

DIRECTIONS: From I-205, follow Padden Hwy. toward the east.
     Turn LEFT onto NE 152nd Ave.
     Turn LEFT onto NE 86th Street
     Turn LEFT onto 149th Avenue


Please RSVP to Debbi at  ijustwannarun1@comcast.net, or call: 503-314-7078.


Join your fellow club members at the annual Chocolate party. Bring your favorite chocolate dessert and enter it in the contest for:

     a) the Most Chocolaty or Most Decadent;

     b) the Most Creative, and/or

Entering the competition is optional.  We also need people to taste test and judge the entries.  Everyone will be a judge!


Everyone will taste all the desserts and write down their own selections and put them in a box. We will then count them out, rather than having judges.  Everyone is a judge.

So, mark your calendar for this Valentine event. Bring your favorite "Sweetie" and enjoy a night of decadence, fun and good cheer.

Mt. Hood Museum



Glade Trail

Glade Trail skiers
Ski the Historic
Glade Trail
from Timberline to Government Camp

March 1, 2025 (Saturday)

Wearr some vintage ski clothing, if possible. This is a celebration and a re-enactment of how people used to ski on Mt. Hood before there were any lifts.

This will be the 22nd annual Glade Trail Day. This is the only day in the whole year that the trail is groomed and patrolled from Timberline to Government Camp.  Timberline Lodge, an event sponsor, grooms the Glade Trail prior to the event to ensure there's great terrain for all participants.

Hosted by the Mt. Hood Cultural Center & Museum,Ski the Glade offers skiers and snowboarders an opportunity to take advantage of three and a half miles of unbroken, mountain terrain. This unique event combines participatory living history and fund raising, for the operation of the non-profit museum. Guides and Ski Patrol services will be available to keep everyone safe.

This year, the annual tradition will be held Saturday, March 1, 2025 beginning at 9:00 a.m. and ending at around 4:00 p.m.

Tickets for the all-day event will be $150. Only 75 tickets will be sold. To make your reservation and purchase your ticket, call the museum at: (503) 272-3301.

The ticket price includes breakfast snacks, lunch, an apres-ski party, door prizes and an unlimited number of shuttle bus rides back up to Timberline during the day. Last shuttle up is at 3 pm.

After beginning the day at the museum with a continental breakfast, participants receive shuttle transportation to Timberline, ski the trail at their leisure, and meet the bus at the end of the trail to return to the top.

When ready for a break, attendees can drop by the museum for a hot lunch featuring homemade gourmet soups and delicious accompaniments.  All shuttles stop at the Museum, so you can take a break at any time.

Throughout the day, participants are encouraged to wear vintage ski clothing. At day's end, an apres-ski party will include beverages, snacks and prizes for those dressed in the best vintage ski wear.


Ski & Ride for a Cure logo

Ski & Ride for a Cure

Ski/snowboard for cancer

Formerly known as "Hope on the Slopes"

March 1 - 2, 2025 (Saturday-Sunday)

24-hour skiing at Mt. Hood Skibowl.

If you have not registered yet, take a moment to get your name in the running for awesome prizes like a new snowboard from Evo, Mt Hood Skibowl season passes, and great swag from Deviation, Tactics, and Next Adventure!

Grab your crew and reserve your spot to meet us on the mountain!


This year we are continuing our partnership with two local organizations that are joined on the quest to find a cure for cancer - the Willamette Valley Cancer Foundation and the "See Ya Later" Foundationa - Seeds of Hope. In addition, you are still able to split your donation to one of many other cancer-fighting organizations that matter the most to you.

We’ve set a modest goal this year - $30,000 at Ski Bowl in 24 hours - we believe we can jump in together to achieve our goal, but we need you to help us get there.

Click here for more info and to register.



See videos of previous events:


2011 Hope on the Slopes


2010 Hope on the Slopes.


2009 Hope on the Slopes.





Sandra, Elisabeth, and Larry


Steve Coxen, charming the crowd.


Quarterly Club Party

March 6, 2025 (Thursday)

6:00 - 8:30 pm


Come to our quarterly social at Famous Dave's in Tualatin.

Place: Famous Dave's Barbeque

           7121 SW Nyberg St,

            Tualatin, OR 97062        See Google map.


Food is on the club! Just buy your own drink.

 We hope to see you there!!!

Please RSVP to Debbi at  ijustwannarun1@comcast.net, or call: 503-314-7078.



From I-5 :
- Take exit 289.
- Turn EAST onto Nyberg Street, for just one block.

- Turn LEFT into the first shopping center driveway.

- Famous Dave's will be on your LEFT.

Click on the logo to see the event poster.



Formerly known as: Ski to Defeat ALS

A ski challenge at Mt Hood Meadows

to help those suffering from Lou Gherig's disease


March 8, 2025.  (Saturday) - at Mt. Hood Meadows - 8 am to 5:30 pm.


Take part in this fundraiser for ALS, combining our favorite sport (skiing) with the ability to do something positive in the fight against ALS.


What is the Ski ALS?
Ski to Defeat ALS is a team and individual skiing and snowboarding event to be hosted at Mt. Hood Meadows. Participants engage in competitions for most dollars raised and for most vertical feet skied or ridden. For more information about the event, visit https://secure.alsnorthwest.org/site/TR?fr_id=1190&pg=entry


Every registered participant 11 years or older is required to meet a $150 fundraising minimum.

About ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease)
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that slowly robs a person of the ability to walk, speak, swallow and, eventually, breathe. With no known cause or cure, a person can expect to live typically 2 to 5 years from the time of diagnosis. ALS has no racial, ethnic or socioeconomic boundaries –– and in only 10 percent of cases there is a family history of ALS. Today, there are approximately 30,000 people in the US living with ALS and 5,600 people in the US are diagnosed every year. At any given time, there are an estimated 500 families living with ALS in Oregon and Southwest Washington.

About The ALS Association Oregon and SW Washington Chapter
Since its inception in 2002, our local chapter of The ALS Association is the central source for services and education for people with ALS, their families, caregivers, and health care professionals in all of Oregon and the six counties of SW Washington.



Victoria Thompson, Development Coordinator

The ALS Association Oregon and SW Washington Chapter

700 NE Multnomah Street,  Suite 1180

Portland, OR 97232

(p) 503.238.5559 x107 | (f) 503.296.5590 | (e) VictoriaThompson@alsa-or.org or  ski@alsnorthwest.org

or contact:

Holly.Miller@alsnorthwest.org    503-908-2442

The Downhill Divas team

OCSO team
OCSO team


March 9th
~ Saturday coaches’ dinner and social time.
~ Racers optional explore Hood River Day

March 9th
~ Sunday race day at Mt. Hood Meadows
~ Sunday night the Party is back with a fun social evening of dinner/auction and fundraising for all to enjoy!

March 10th
~ Monday race day at Mt. Hood Meadows
~Celebration and Awards 

Since it began in 1988, the Oregon Cancer Ski Out has raised over $1,500,000 for its beneficiaries. In addition, over 400 people take part in the Ski Out each year, many of whom have participated in this event since its inception.

Oregon Cancer Ski Out


March 9-10, 2025.  (Sunday and Monday)


This is a unique and fun two-day ski/snowboard event at Mt. Hood Meadows, raising money for hospice, cancer research, education and prevention programs.


Beneficiaries are: the OHSU Cancer Institute, the Willamette Falls Hospice, the Candlelighters (a grass-roots organization supporting children with cancer), Breast Friends and Camp Erin.


This is not a race to see who is the fastest - the goal is for consistency, and the team whose times are the closest between two days of racing is the winner. Slow or fast, everyone has the same chance!  And you are coached by the best, usually including Phil and sometimes Steve Mahre.

For more info, check out the Oregon Cancer Ski Out Brochure.

See a wonderful, inspirational video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=3yo8cgULE8o


Team registration (for the 5-person team) = $995.

(That's $199 per team member.)

You can also register as a single racer for $250.


You can register ONLINE.


If your team has already mailed in your registration, you can still register your team online and be able to use all the DONATE NOW services!!

Go to: www.cancerskiout.org and click the register button.

The Mountain High club has participated in this event for many years.


The Mt. Hood Cultural Museum preserves and showcases the rich history of Mount Hood through interpretive exhibits and educational programming. The museum features six galleries that highlight the history of the mountain’s early exploration, winter sports, settlement and natural history.


The museum, the Mt. Hood Information Center and the Museum Gift Shop are open seven days a week from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The museum is closed Thanksgiving and Christmas.

The History of Skiing and Mt. Hood


March 15  (Saturday.)  6:30 pm.

Be entertained and learn something new.

Doors open 6:30, presentation starts at 7 pm.

Guest speaker:  Richard Brenne, an award winning journalist and screenwriter who is finishing his book Skiing History.

His talks includehumor (or, as his daughter reminds him: attempted humor), sound scholarship, unique perspectives, and legendary Q & A sessions that become fascinating discussions.


Social History Happy Hour events take place  Saturday each month at the museum. Topics range from Mount Hood photography to ski fashion to volcanic activity on the mountain.


The presentation is free.  A $5 donation to the Museum is suggested and very much appreciated.


For more information about the lecture series, please call the museum at 503-272-3301.


Mt. Hood Cultural Center and Museum
ph: 503-272-3301, info@mthoodmuseum.org 

NWSCC logo
NW Ski Club Council

March 19, 2025. (Wednesday) - an IN PERSON meeting.

This NWSCC Council meeting will be held in person.

Social 6:45; Meeting starts 7:00 pm

Location to be announced.  See the NWSC website at:

https://nwskiers.org/ .



Mt. High
Monthly meeting

Usually on the last Monday of the month.

Monthly Board meeting

March 31, 2025 (Montay)

Meet for socializing at 6:00 pm Meeting starts at 6:30 pm.

This is an organizational and planning meeting, attended mainly by Board members, trip leaders, activity organizers etc., but it is open to all. Anyone wanting to get more involved with the club is welcome.

Place:  Round Table Pizza,

            16444 Boones Ferry Rd., Lake Grove,

            Lake Oswego, OR.         See Google map.   

Snowvana logo
Next Adventure at Snowvana


Want to get into Snowvana for free, or just help out your ski club or council?  Volunteer for a two-hour shift staffing the Northwest Ski Club Council booth.  We have the following shifts available.
The number in parenthesis indicated how many people are needed.

                      2-4 PM (need 2 people)
4-6 (2)
6-8 (1)

11-1 (1)
1-3 (2)
3-5 (2)
5-7 (1)

11-1 (1)
1-3 (2)

Bill King - willie2k@ymail.com


Ski & Snowboard Show


October 24 - 26, 2025.  (Friday  Sunday)


Location: Portland Expo Center,

                 2060 Marine Dr W, Portland, OR 9721
                 See Google Map.

Hours:  Friday: Noon – 8pm
             Saturday: 11am – 7pm
             Sunday: 11am – 4pm


A winter celebration with ski and snowboard films, local ski shops holding their annual sale event, live music, fun contests, and also a ski swap.


This is Snowvana’s 9th season. 

Explore the manufacturer’s village, tune into the year’s biggest ski movie premiere, pick up a free pair of Next Adventure kid’s skis, and choose between a huge list of ways to engage and enjoy the show.

It also includes the Mt. Hood FilmFest including the best films from Level 1, Teton Gravity Research, Matchstick, and more.

Tickets: A single day ticket costs $17 + processing fees.

              3-Day Pass $27 + processing fees, 
              Kids 12 & under are FREE.

              Parking:  $13 per car.

Buy tickets HERE.

Also: Mt. Hood Film Festival 

          Gear Sale & Swap Gear
          Kids' Zone

          Over 50 manufacturers' reps and their boths.

          Live music, acoustic artists.

          Alpine Artist Gallery - Region artisans.

Snowvana will also be held in Seattle, at Magnuson Park Hangar 30  on October 17-19, 2025.

See more details at: https://snowvana.com/





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Membership | Newsletter | Photos | Photo Albums | Racing | Race Results | SafetyTrips | Videos | Vision
Sitemap | Copyright and Disclaimer © 2004, Mountain High Snowsport Club

Email the webmaster: webmaster@mthigh.org