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Pacific NW Area Clubs Recreational Alpine Teams

A tradition of inter-club recreational racing since the late 70s

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Pacrat Home Page

General Information


Recreational Racing

Need someone to ski with? We'll give you 9 companions for the season! Just signClick to enlarge photo of the "Drooling Moose" team up for a 10-person team. Any intermediate skier or boarder qualifies. Beginner racers are as much needed (and can contribute as much) as advanced racers. Everyone races within their own category, of which there are 7, from beginner to elite. Watch your results improve over time. It's the best deal in town. The most fun for your money!

Five races per season, each race followed by a party, with free food, drinks, and door prizes. At the end of the season, there is an awards dinner party (named the "Rat Attack").  All this for just $85 for the whole season.  On top of that, each racer gets a discounted lift ticket on race days.

Even if you never dreamed of being a racer, give it a try. It's well worth it. It will enhance your social life, and improve your carving skills! Teams are usually formed by mid-November, so apply early!

2005 PACRAT Race Dates

Click to enlarge. Dual slalom race.

Gary & Karen. Some serious competition! Click to enlarge.

  Jan.    9
Jan.  23
Feb.  13    
Mar. 13
Mar. 19-20
Apr.    3
Apr.  10
Apr.  15
Mt. Hood Meadows - CANCELLED
Mt. Hood Meadows
(moved from Ski Bowl)
Far West Championships (Heavenly)
Mt. Hood Meadows
Make-up race (tentative)
Rat Attack (Awards Party)
Yes, any technique is acceptable!  Click to enlarge.


Typical Race Day


Discounted lift tickets for PACRAT racers can be purchased by showing your racing bib.


  8:45 am - Brief team captains' meeting in the day lodge.

  9:00 am - Start skiing! Inspect the course.

10:00 am - Race begins for the first group of racers. See the Starting order that is emailed to all the team captains, or ask to see a copy at the team captains' meeting.

2:30 pm or 3:00 pm - Après ski party. Open to non-racers for a small fee to cover the food and drinks.


How to join Pacrats


1. Join a NWSCC ski club - to find a club, visit the NWSCC's website:

2. Contact your club's racing director or any of the club's team captain.

    Here are some examples:

   * Bergfreunde ski club, Racing director, Merry Lou Flockhart:

   * Mountain High Snowsport Club, Racing Director, Gordon Lusk:

   * Schnee Vogeli ski club, Dale Parshall: 

   * Skiyente ski club, Sheri Parshall:


PACRAT Board members


   * Jack Folliard, PACRAT Chairman, 503-975-4488,

   * John Zevely, Vice-Chairman:

   * Colleen Hankins, Secretary:

   * Colleen Kelly, Treasurer:

   * Diane Hicks, Parties:

   * Bob Horning, Course Operations:

   * Dale Parshall, Timing & Results:

   * Barb Parshall, Sponsorships:

   * Sheri Parshall, Special Projects:


Team/Racer Registration


1. General Instructions (click to read)

2. Team Registraton Guidelines (click to read)

3. PACRAT Team Entry form
    a) Entry form   -  PDF version
    b) Entry form - Word document


4. PACRAT Liability Release form.
    a) Liability Release form  -  PDF version
    b) Liability Release form - Word document




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